
Australia’s Biggest Pharmacy Conference #throughglass

March 13–16 saw Australia’s biggest annual pharmacy conference, APP, held on Queensland’s Gold Coast. The more time I spend with Glass, the more convinced I become that it will have a transformative impact on the way healthcare is delivered. So, I was super excited to take it along to introduce it to the other 4000 […]


My first big Glass fail

I had my first big Google Glass fail when I took it along to the Haviana Thong Challenge at Mooloolaba on Australia Day. I was having lots of fun testing out the features, getting used to taking pictures, and as always, answering lots of questions about Glass and giving demonstrations. While most things went along […]


Fitness with Glass

I had seen Cecilia Abadie demonstrate LynxFit at the Wearable Tech Expo in LA last December, so was super excited to find it was now available as Glassware last week. The weekend provided the idea opportunity to try it out, so I charged up my Glass, selected the workout styles I wanted to try and away […]


Travelling with Glass

Travelling with Glass adds a whole world of fun, with so many useful features available to enhance your experience. We had a quick trip to New York recently, which provided lots of opportunities to try out some of the Glass features. This was especially good after my visit to Glass Base Camp in Chelsea where […]


Icon Cancer Care Townsville Opening #throughglass

Last week marked the official opening of the new Icon Cancer Care centre in Townsville by Federal Minister for Health Peter Dutton, and I took along my Google Glass to capture all of the action in addition to introducing it to the Icon team. In particular, I wanted to show Glass to Dr Sabe Sabesan, […]