Tag: Google Glass in Healthcare

Glass shifts to the workplace and Epic Pharmacy is one of them!

Late last year in my post on My Year as a Google Glass Explorer, I spoke about (and fully agreed with) the growing belief that Glass in its current form would not end up seeing a widespread consumer release, but would shift to an enterprise focus. And what do you know, here it is! Today, […]

Reinforcing the value of technology – Expopharm #throughglass

Keeping aware of international healthcare trends has always played an important role in the way Stuart and I run our businesses, and this week we visited Expopharm, Europe’s largest pharmacy trade show. We’ve visited Expopharm a number of times now, as the European market has led the world in the introduction and development of large scale medication compliance […]

APHS has its first Google Glass App!

I’m really excited to be able to share the news about the first piece of APHS Glassware.  We’ve developed an app to allow pharmacists (or any health professional) to be able to view drug information via Glass!   As anyone who has talked to me about Glass or read my previous posts will be well aware, […]