Category: Wearable Tech

I got the Apple Watch wrong

Sometimes you have to be prepared to put your hand up and say you called something wrong, and I found myself in that place this week. My website report showed a number of hits on a post from early 2015 that I’d actually forgotten I’d written, titled Why I Won’t be Buying the iWatch . […]

How a bike that goes nowhere transported me back to fitness

As a super uncoordinated kid with no visible aptitude for any sport I ever tried it’s fair to say I was never what you’d consider a natural athlete. Team sports were never my thing – no one wants to be the person who causes the rest of the team to emit an involuntary groan when […]

My recap of Fortune Brainstorm Health 2017

Last week I attended the Fortune Brainstorm Health Summit in San Diego, which had a theme of ‘Accelerating the Health Revolution’.  It was two days of fascinating conversations both on stage and off with the primarily US based healthcare leaders in attendance, and one of the things that struck me was that even while we […]

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