The final miles of the rebrand roadtrip

Long before September’s public announcement of our move from APHS to Epic Pharmacy, our Brand and Communication team started a task of (dare I say it) epic proportions — tracking down every place the old logo and branding appeared and planning its removal.

There began a journey best described by the words of Dr Seuss, ‘Oh the places you’ll go, the things you will see,’ tracking down and capturing 20 years of activity under the previous brand. In addition to the obvious and expected signage, uniforms, policy and procedure manuals etc etc there was an absolute mountain of the unexpected. Forms, information sheets, price lists, you name it, multiple versions were in existence, all with their own site-specific variations, and all complete with logo. Who knew our teams were such prolific publishers!

In addition to their travels to sites, working with teams to identify all of these random acts of logoing, the Brand and Comms team were simultaneously working on the redesign of all of the interior and exterior signage, planning a roll-out of our new Paul Hunt designed uniforms (which involved fittings for every single team member around the country), plus the design two new websites, an intranet and all the collateral in between.

Our finance team has also been working hard getting ready for the rebrand — 27 entities changing names makes for a huge amount of work in its own right!

The next six weeks sees the culmination of all of that hard work, as the new branding is rolled out across all of the Epic Pharmacy locations around Australia. Our teams have done a fantastic job getting our customers ready for the changeover, as illustrated last weekend when I ran into one of our long term corporate clients in the supermarket. She and her team are genuinely enthused about it; not only are they looking forward to seeing the new livery rolled out, but they are so engaged they’ve been prepping their patients on the upcoming change of the pharmacy name and logo.  It’s a great reflection on how well the new branding has been received.

So from next week our teams will be starting to don their new uniforms,  the installation of the new signage will commence, the new website will go live, and all of those logoed documents will either have been replaced with electronic templates or updated versions, and by early March the APHS logo and branding will be fondly remembered, but confined to the archives.

It’s no wonder our Brand and Comms team were unanimously voted our Epic Champions in the 2014 staff awards, they’ve done an amazing job in planning and coordinating this company wide rebrand, and we can’t wait to share the final results with you as we proudly display our new look. I’m sure there will be no shortage of images posted to our Facebook page over the coming weeks!

PS: Make sure you let us know if you find that APHS logo lurking anywhere, despite these Herculean efforts we’re sure one or two will sneak through somewhere!

EPIC bus


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