It might be #farewellAPHS, but it’s not the end of the party!

As the clock ticks down to Tuesday’s big announcement of APHS’ new identity, it’s time to talk about what’s not going to change.

The thing that has always made APHS special is our people and their amazing can-do attitude to both work and life.

When you work in healthcare, it’s relatively easy to find a sense of purpose in your work. Everything we do comes back to trying to improve outcomes for patients, so it’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t see that as worthy of their best efforts. While purpose might be relatively easy to identify and deliver on, the attitude you bring to that purpose is what sets a team of people apart.

There is a reason the first of our core values is energy, that’s because it’s one thing the people of APHS have always had in spades! Our people bring an incredible enthusiasm to everything they do, both in their day-to-day work and our social activities.

Our Christmas parties, our bi-annual National Managers’ Days (and every other time the opportunity arises), see people going to incredible efforts to create amazing outfits to suit the occasion. We’ve seen our ‘Saints and Sinners’ hit the City of Churches for a Christmas party in Adelaide; our entire leadership team personifying the cast of Harry Potter in Brisbane’s best Diagon Alley; men walking 42km in kilts to raise funds for kids with autism and anything and everything in between.

bikes team masterchef runaway brides saints and sinners

Teams have dressed up and raced through Brisbane in our very own version of The Amazing Race (who will ever forget Wagga’s runaway brides rampaging through Eagle Street Pier in full wedding regalia first thing on a Sunday morning); cooked off against each other to find our APHS Masterchefs and shed tears when we discovered the bikes we thought we were building for a race around the park were actually Christmas gifts for kids with cancer.

Many of these activities have been coordinated by our great friends at Corporate Challenge, and they will also be instrumental in Tuesday’s big reveal. While not everyone can be physically present at the Powerhouse  — and our patient-focused purpose always means people are super understanding of that — we have a raft of things scheduled so every APHS site will be able to get involved and be part of the day.

As we count down to the announcement of our new identity we thought you might like this tour through APHS’ parties of past. Because, one thing is for sure: no matter what we’re called, you can’t, you won’t, stop the party!



Older Story:

Upping the pharmacy style stakes

September 03, 2014

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