Setting Sail on Our Next Adventure

Following on from our news that Stuart and I are selling our pharmacy interests to David Slade I wanted to share a little more about what the next phase of our business life is going to look like.  We’ve had a number of investments and involvements outside of Epic and Icon for some time now, and have had an Investment Committee structure in […]

It’s been Epic….

On Tuesday July 7th we broke some pretty big news to our Epic Pharmacy teams.  After more than 20 years as pharmacy owners, the time has come for us to pass the baton of majority ownership of the Epic Pharmacies on to David Slade, who has been my partner in a number of pharmacies within […]

Why a career in Pharmacy was the right choice for me

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of being part of a webinar held by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) which highlighted the wide variety of opportunities a career in pharmacy can deliver. Ten pharmacists shared where their pharmacy degree had taken them, and the range and diversity of their work and […]

Top Ten Tech Trends for 2020

One of the sessions I most look forward to each year at the Our Crowd Summit is the one where Stav Eres and Eli Nir present their tips on what the top trends in tech will be for the coming year. It’s a fast and furiously paced run through that highlights not only those emerging […]

DLD2020 – What Are You Adding?

I’ve just been in Munich at the DLD (Digital – Life – Design) conference, an invite only event for people keen to change the world in the digital area. There were presenters from business, science, art and political backgrounds, and the chair of the conference challenged us to spend as much time in the corridors […]

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