Tag: Icon Group

When your exit doesn’t go to plan…

In July 2020 we announced our decision to exit pharmacy ownership, in a series of transactions that were intended to complete before Icon Group, which provided the management services to our pharmacies, underwent its next ownership transition For a variety of reasons not all of the pharmacy transactions had completed by the time Icon was […]

It’s been Epic….

On Tuesday July 7th we broke some pretty big news to our Epic Pharmacy teams.  After more than 20 years as pharmacy owners, the time has come for us to pass the baton of majority ownership of the Epic Pharmacies on to David Slade, who has been my partner in a number of pharmacies within […]

The Decade That Was

As one decade concludes and another commences my reflections on the year that was find me looking through a longer term viewfinder, and thinking about what’s changed in our business lives over the past 10 years. A Decade of Delegation The very nature of our early business decision to establish our pharmacy operations more or […]

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