It’s time to board the Arc

Welcome to the first of our Arc31 Pharmacy Management team hires, Ellisha Vas, joining as Operations Manager. We’ve known and worked with Lish for many years and in many roles, and a bit like us she’d decided a while ago that maybe her time in pharmacy was done and she would explore something different. Again, a bit like us, that didn’t pan out in the […]

We’re baaack!  Not that we ever really left….

On July 7th 2020 we shared the news with our Epic Pharmacy teams of our intention to exit the pharmacy ownership landscape.  At that time that was our clear intention but cliches exist for a reason, and as they say the best laid plans etc etc The reality is that business sales are complicated and […]

Onwards and Upwards

So while there’s been plenty going on behind the scenes at Arc31 since we launched our family office just over 2 years ago now, activity has ramped up significantly in recent weeks. Stuart and my long awaited European summer sojourn post our exit from Icon on March 31 has come to an end and left […]

An Iconic Legacy

March 31st 2022 marked a fairly big day in our lives. As Sam headed off to his Year 12 formal (which has survived the cancellation risk of the current Omicron wave sweeping through Brisbane’s high schools), undoubtedly a big milestone for him and his peers, it was also the day that the sale of our […]

Our Covid Christmas

A positive Covid test hasn’t been anything of note across much of the world for the past couple of years, but in Australia and particularly in Queensland it’s been hard to find anyone who even knows someone who has had Covid, let alone who has had it themselves – until the past week or so […]