Our Dancing CEO

It’s been a pretty busy week at Icon Group with the announcement of our expansion into China but despite the additional workload that a major business development like this delivers, Icon Group CEO Mark Middleton has managed to also maintain his commitment to another important activity.

This Friday night Mark will be on stage for Dancing CEO’s, the annual event which sees Brisbane’s CEOs take to the dance floor to raise funds to enable Women’s Legal Services to provide support and advice to women experiencing domestic violence.


Mark has brought his trademark enthusiasm to his dancing preparation, and kept us all entertained with progress updates.  The piece de resistance was unveiled earlier this week, when he revealed his audition with Li Cunxin to see if his training has resulted in him being Queensland Ballet ready.  You can see the result for yourselves here.

Getting well and truly out of your comfort zone and dancing in front of nearly 1000 people is a very daunting prospect, (and as a past participant I’m speaking from personal experience here!) but nowhere near as daunting as the reality that currently two Australian women lose their lives to domestic violence each week.

Events like Dancing CEO’s are important not only for the much needed funds that they raise, but for the awareness they generate as people like Mark and his fellow dancers stand up and say those statistics are unacceptable, and domestic violence has no place in our society.

At Icon Group we’re all incredibly proud of Mark, and hope you’ll click here and join us in supporting his fundraising efforts and contributing to the life saving work that Women’s Legal Services do. While those of us who’ve seen some of Mark’s epic performances on stage at Icon events know his talents are boundless and that he should never be counted out of taking out the Judges Choice Award, we’re also keen to hedge our bets and back him in to take out Fundraising Champion just in case!


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