Getting ready to hang out in ZeroG

Just a quick post, but beyond excited today as I head to LA to do a Zero Gravity flight as part of the preparations for my ultimate goal, travelling to space with Virgin Galactic .

The Zero G flight is a great way to experience the feeling of weightlessness in space, and to test out how likely you are to be prone to the motion sickness that can accompany the experience.  Obviously as a pharmacist I’m well aware of the range of products you can use as preventatives, but I tend to be overly sensitive to the sedating effects and the last thing I want is to find myself dozing my way through the experience, so I’ve decided just to back myself on getting through unaided.  I’ll keep you posted….

Image Credit Zero Gravity Corporation
Image Credit Zero Gravity Corporation

World famous skateboarder Tony Hawk is also going to be onboard to show us some moves, which has got Sam more than a little envious.  I doubt I’m going to be able to pull any manoeuvres that compare – at least deliberately, who knows what stunts I might end up pulling by accident! – but I’m very much looking forward to enjoying the show he puts on.

In the meantime, Virgin Galactic continue to keep us posted with regular updates on how their rigorous testing program is progressing, and the great news is everything appears to be going really well.  You can follow along via the updates posted on their website here, or via their variety of social media accounts.  This week White Knight Two, the carrier craft, has flown down to Spaceport in New Mexico for a variety of ground and air exercises, so that is generating some exciting images.

Image Credit Virgin Galactic
Image Credit Virgin Galactic

Time to head for the airport, and I’ll be sure to post an update after the trip.

Newer Story:

My Zero Gravity experience

April 24, 2016

Older Story:

Our Dancing CEO

April 13, 2016

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