Unleashing our Epic Intrapreneurs

I’ve spoken and written many times previously about the absolutely vital role the Epic team plays in delivering on the vision that Stuart and I have for our businesses.

Our teams are filled with people who see change as an opportunity rather than a threat, who view their work through eyes which are looking for the next opportunity to deliver improvement or innovation.  They are constantly challenging our thinking, and pushing us to new and greater heights.

We think they provide a fantastic example of intrapreneurship, a word which is popping up with ever increasing frequency  on many big corporates’ ‘culture wishlists.’

What is an intrapreneur?  Wikipedia defines it as:  “A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation.”

And that:  “Intrapreneurship is now known as the practice of a corporate management style that integrates risk-taking and innovation approaches … that are more traditionally thought of as being the province of entrepreneurship.”

We are in the fantastic position of having a team which is absolutely riddled with intrapreneurs, and love that our rebrand has unleashed an even greater level of engagement and enthusiasm as we all strive to be even more Epic!


Our gorgeous friend Lisa Messenger has just released a book called Daring and Disruptive, which tells the story of her journey as an entrepreneur. It’s a cracking read, and her approach to life and business shares many similarities to our own Epic story. It’s filled with examples of the importance of getting out of your comfort zone to achieve what you want, and the crucial role a culture of leadership plays in delivering business success.

To further inspire our Epic team, each and every one of them is receiving a copy of Lisa’s book to read this Christmas. A book about building a magazine and publishing empire may seem an unusual choice to inspire out of the box healthcare thinking, but in our experience the best ideas always come from looking outside your own industry.

Daring & Disruptive

I can’t wait to hear the ideas that flow, and couldn’t be more confident that our team of intrapreneurs are well and truly on track for an Epic 2015!

epic with santa hat (2)



Older Story:

Leaders can be any age

December 07, 2014

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