Tag: travel

The latest quest – Supercars of Knightsbridge

I’ve long been a fan of a quest on an overseas trip- Faberge Easter Egg Hunt in NYC, Bears of Berlin, London Olympic public art Wenlocks all immediately sprung to Stuart and Sam’s minds! – and this trip to London has served up a great new quest opportunity.  We’ve been staying in Knightsbridge for the […]

Fostering future talent

Next week Stuart, Sam and I head to the UK, with one of the reasons for the trip being the launch of the latest Epic Good activity, the newly created Giles Foster Scholarship.  You can read much more about that here, but given I’m not exactly renowned for my passion for cricket I wanted to […]

24-hours in Cannes

Sometimes life presents opportunities that at face value have no rational justification and in fact actually seem to fit far better into the ‘would have been nice but it’s just doesn’t make sense’ category. I was recently faced with one of those when an event I’d been invited to in LA was rescheduled to the […]

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