The latest quest – Supercars of Knightsbridge

I’ve long been a fan of a quest on an overseas trip- Faberge Easter Egg Hunt in NYC, Bears of Berlin, London Olympic public art Wenlocks all immediately sprung to Stuart and Sam’s minds! – and this trip to London has served up a great new quest opportunity. 

We’ve been staying in Knightsbridge for the past few days and as soon as we arrived we started seeing some incredible cars. They were a hot topic of conversation whenever we got in a cab, who told us the cars are all in town with their predominantly Middle Eastern owners who are here escaping the extreme summer heat in their countries.  

At first we weren’t sure how we felt about taking pictures, knowing how weird it can feel at times when we get snapped in the i8 at home, but quickly realized that we were in the minority as crowds gathered around  the cars ranging from iPhone snappers to those with the full tripod set up, so happily joined in the fun.  Instagram revealed not only a wealth of images but a great way of identifying potential targets to try and track down. 

There are so many two-toned Rolls Royce’s that they’ve almost become passé,

meaning it’s taking extreme paintwork customisation to elevate cars to the top of my hit list 


In terms of extreme customisation, surely the best we’ve spotted yet has to be the fully bedazzled Merc, completely covered in crystals. 

 I have a soft spot for this green Lamborghini given its close resemblance to a favorite pair of heels 

It’s not all sports cars with no shortage of extreme 4WD options on display too,  the leader of the pack being this 6 wheeler Mercedes option.  

I thought we’d tracked down the top of my hit list last night, the purple velvet covered Rolls Royce with gold wheels, but it turned out to be a non textured purple Bentley. 

We’re off to Yorkshire for the weekend which will see a pausing of the quest, but back to London next week to resume the hunt for the remainder of our targets! 


Newer Story:

Resuming the quest

August 26, 2015

Older Story:

Introducing Medication Manager

August 13, 2015

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