Tag: london

London in Spring

London is one of my favourite places to visit, and after a childhood of frequent Monopoly games I still get a buzz everytime I walk down one of the streets from the board.  We recently spent a week there in preparation for Stuart running the London marathon so I had quite a bit of time […]

Visiting Diana: Her Fashion Story

Given my previous disclosures around my love of all things Diana I’m sure it is of no surprise that a visit to the new ‘Diana: Her Fashion Story’ exhibit which has just opened at Kensington Palace was high on my list of London must-do’s while we were in town for the marathon. The only thing […]

Are you the weak link for your brand?

I’m incredibly fortunate to find myself now spending a lot of time travelling around the world looking at where our next opportunities are coming from, and how we can take inspiration from the things I see or experience in other industries and apply those learnings to our own business activities. Far more of those experiences […]