Tag: business leadership

A Truly Iconic Celebration

Wow! This weekend saw an Iconic celebration of Epic proportions, filled with ROC!Star individuals displaying the Core Strength of our organisation as teams from all over Australia came together to celebrate a great 2015. The theme for the weekend was Brisbane to our Core, recognising that the Icon, ROC and Epic businesses all commenced their […]

Leadership Learnings on Necker Island- Part 3

After a great first couple of days (which you can read about in my previous posts Part 1 and Part 2), where we were challenged and inspired by fantastic stories of purpose driven success, our final sessions were designed to highlight the important role physical and emotional health play in achieving our goals.  Once again, Business Chicks and Virgin Unite […]

Dressing up & getting the job done!

We’re big fans of fancy dress at Epic.  Pretty much every event we run is themed, and people go to amazing lengths to outdo each other with their costumes and interpretation of the brief.  It’s become a key part of our culture, and one that I think is a significant contributor to our success. We […]