Dressing up & getting the job done!

We’re big fans of fancy dress at Epic.  Pretty much every event we run is themed, and people go to amazing lengths to outdo each other with their costumes and interpretation of the brief.  It’s become a key part of our culture, and one that I think is a significant contributor to our success.

We run National Managers Days twice a year, where our leaders from all over the country come together for a day of updates, initiatives, and planning for the future.   In the same way that Stuart and I are big fans of changing your physical environment to change your thinking, we’ve discovered that having people change their outfit to something as far removed from their normal workwear as possible has just the same effect.

Dreaming up wonderful, wacky costume ideas and linking those through to the presentations they are giving unleashes people’s creative thinking, and then turning up and seeing what everyone else is wearing kicks the day off with an crackling buzz of energy.  We’ve seen over and over again that people behave in a different way, and receive and process information in a different way, when they are wearing outfits that they would never normally wear to work.  And these are definitely outfits that don’t form part of your normal work attire, as evidenced below!


Our next National Managers Day happens this Thursday, and somewhat ironically, given the nature of our business, for the first time ever it has a healthcare theme.  Previously we’ve left virtually no area of popular culture untouched, with Superheros, Harry Potter, Survivor, and Masterchef all providing inspiration in the past.

Thursday’s Operation Epic, inspired by the old school board game pictured below, will see us diving into all of the body parts of the business and I can’t wait to see what medical marvels the team unleash as a result!  If you’re equally keen to find out, follow along on Twitter and Instagram via #operationepic





Newer Story:

The lowdown on Operation Epic

March 29, 2015

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