Tag: Brisbane

Brisbane is home to a Myriad of opportunities

Brisbane has just hosted its second Myriad festival, where 2500 participants joined over 100 speakers from Australia and beyond to hear stories of ideation, success, and technology. I had the privilege of sharing the Icon story with delegates on Friday, and arrived to find the Royal Convention Centre buzzing with people and energy.  Unfortunately I’d […]

A Truly Iconic Celebration

Wow! This weekend saw an Iconic celebration of Epic proportions, filled with ROC!Star individuals displaying the Core Strength of our organisation as teams from all over Australia came together to celebrate a great 2015. The theme for the weekend was Brisbane to our Core, recognising that the Icon, ROC and Epic businesses all commenced their […]

Celebrating our Virginity

After having had the opportunity to visit Sir Richard Branson at his Necker Island home previously, Stuart and I were delighted to be invited by Virgin Australia to welcome him to our own home town of Brisbane this week. Richard was in town to launch the new Virgin lounge facilities at Brisbane Airport, a location […]