Category: Wearable Tech

London in Spring

London is one of my favourite places to visit, and after a childhood of frequent Monopoly games I still get a buzz everytime I walk down one of the streets from the board.  We recently spent a week there in preparation for Stuart running the London marathon so I had quite a bit of time […]

My Brainstorm Health recap

I was invited to attend Fortune’s inaugural Brainstorm Health event in San Diego last week, which was full of fascinating conversations both on and off the stage from the predominantly US based health tech leaders who were in attendance. I wanted to share some of my key take outs, along with a great summary of […]

Is Queensland really open for business?

Queensland is having its fifth public holiday in six weeks today. At a time when businesses across the state are trying to deliver sustainable  economic recovery models post the end of the resources boom, it’s hard to see that yet another Monday off work is a helpful contributor.  A late Easter always makes this time […]