Category: Epic Good

An Epic Energy boost this Christmas

Last year we showed our gratitude to our customers at Christmas time by providing them with delicious fresh cherries to enjoy, and this year we were equally committed to gifting that aligned with our purpose around delivering exceptional healthcare – meaning that traditional alcohol and sugar laden gift options remained off the table. The cherries […]

A Truly Iconic Celebration

Wow! This weekend saw an Iconic celebration of Epic proportions, filled with ROC!Star individuals displaying the Core Strength of our organisation as teams from all over Australia came together to celebrate a great 2015. The theme for the weekend was Brisbane to our Core, recognising that the Icon, ROC and Epic businesses all commenced their […]

Fostering future talent

Next week Stuart, Sam and I head to the UK, with one of the reasons for the trip being the launch of the latest Epic Good activity, the newly created Giles Foster Scholarship.  You can read much more about that here, but given I’m not exactly renowned for my passion for cricket I wanted to […]