An Epic Celebration! #epicxmas

This past weekend saw Epic Pharmacy teams from around the country descend on Brisbane for a weekend of activities, updates and most of all, celebration of a great year.

Regular readers of this blog will be aware APHS and now Epic gatherings, whether they be Christmas parties, National Managers’ Days, morning teas or any other excuse we can find usually have a theme, and team members are encouraged to come along in costume and join in the spirit of the event.

This years theme was pretty simple: “dress Epic” and there were a wide array of interpretations of the theme, as depicted by Stuart and my different takes on it!


The amount of trouble people go to is incredible, particularly those who have travelled long distances with their costumes.  A pair of Epic astronauts carted their costumes all the way from Geelong (and then braved wearing them all night in the very warm Brisbane conditions!)


Andrew, our CEO was outstanding as President Business and was a hot favourite for guest appearances in the photo booth all evening!  He found it wasn’t the easiest of costumes to flag down a taxi in at the end of the evening though!


Our Epic ‘You’re the best thing since sliced bread’ man got reinterpreted in a wearable form.


Totally fitting, given one of the night’s major activities is the Epic You Awards, our peer nominated awards program where those individuals and teams who best embody the organisation’s core values of Energy, Purpose, Innovate and Connect are recognised and celebrated  (you can check out all of the winners here).

The night was capped off with an Epic fireworks display over the Brisbane River

For those teams who cam from interstate, plus those Brisbane-based team members who are keen to join in, Sunday morning brought a  bright and early start for a team challenge activity.   This year saw teams building putt putt holes, which they then combined to play an 8 hole game of mini golf across.


The course had to be constructed using a variety of supplied materials including non-perishable foodstuffs, and in a fitting conclusion to the spirit of teamwork and collaboration displayed across the weekend, the food was donated to Rosies outreach program along with a donation to assist them with the wonderful support they provide to so many in need.

It’s been a truly fantastic weekend, not only for providing the opportunity to catch up with so many of our team across a more relaxed setting than their regular workplace environments, but in illustrating why, as I’ve written about before, there truly was no other name but Epic to best represent this sensational group of people.

Now the best thing is we get to do it all again in Perth with our WA teams next weekend!



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2 comments on “An Epic Celebration! #epicxmas

  1. So chuffed about the donation to Rosie’s!!! What a fun time!
    I bags your Epic costume over Stu’s.
    😀 x

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