Why Glass is a great fitness companion

I travel — a lot — and I’m finding that Glass is proving to be a great fitness companion when I’m away from home.

I’ve really enjoyed using the LynxFit Glassware and find it a super convenient way of getting a great circuit-style work out in. I’ve previously used a myriad phone and tablet based apps, but having all the info available before your eyes and hands free whenever you need it is just so much more convenient.



It also gives you a rating for each workout, providing that competitive push to lift your game and beat your previous results — needless to say — I’m a sucker for fitness apps that have a “gamification” aspect.


The other real benefit Glass brings to my travel fitness regime is this: wearing Glass encourages me to run.

Now I am not one of those runners who thrives on the natural high that running generates, I’m much more in the red-faced sweaty “just keep going till you’ve worked off enough calories” camp.

The only thing that gives me any kind of enjoyment from running is when I can combine it with the opportunity to get out and explore beautiful scenery, particularly by a beach. When I do get the opportunity to run in a beautiful location I do like to stop and take a picture or two — telling myself it’s a reminder of why running is good. The reality probably being closer to the fact that photo stop also provides an opportunity for a sneaky quick breather!

Glass makes it so much easier to snap great pics like these ones I took at Noosa on the weekend. Instead of having to stop, extract my phone from its arm strap, take the photo and reassemble everything. The process takes two seconds instead of two minutes, which also means those sneaky breaks are much diminished, so I am getting  fitter!

After seeing how easy it was to take great pics running with Glass last weekend at the Gold Coast, I was actually keen to run again at Noosa, much to the delight of my husband who actually loves to run (so needs no such encouragement).


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Racing in Dubai

April 02, 2014

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