The Power of Saying Thank You

We recently launched the expanded version of our new online reward and recognition program, and it’s been fantastic to see how people have embraced and enjoyed the ability to recognise and say thank you to their colleagues.


We’ve long been big fans of the value of reward and recognition at Epic, and the recent launch of the new Redii platform gave us the opportunity to not only refresh our existing program but to implemented aligned programs throughout the wider Icon group.

All of the programs operate on the same principles, and are based on the four core values of the business unit.  At Epic, our values are Energy, Purpose, Innovate and Connect, and each of the other Icon business units has their own people, purpose, innovation and connectivity value.

This alignment of values allows each business to retain their own unique identity, but at the same time makes it easy for people to recognise the drivers behind the other businesses, and thank or reward team members from business units outside their own.

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One of the key drivers behind our selection of Redii as our program partner was their mobile capability, as many of our team members don’t have consistent access to desktop PC’s as part of their role.  I know I use the mobile version virtually exclusively, as it allows me to immediately act on the impulse to say thank you to someone – I may not spend a lot of time at my desk, but my mobile is never out of reach!


In our first month of use I’m thrilled to say that over 370 thank you’s have been created across our programs.  That’s 370 people who know that someone not only thinks they have done a great job, but has taken the time to stop and acknowledge them in a way that is also visible to their peers.

I love reading the recognition walls and seeing who is thanking who and for what.  It also means that when I next see those people I can add my thanks – either for the work they have done, or for taking the time to make sure that their colleague was recognised.

Thanking people is a bit addictive.  You get a fantastic feeling from letting someone know you think they’re doing a great job of living our values, and that’s amplified even further when they let you know how appreciative they are of the recognition.  It’s one of the most powerful tools to build culture in a business, and embed organisational values and I just can’t get enough of it.

While this post is also clearly also saying a big thank you and recognising Redii for the great job they have done in creating the platform that we are utilising, like all of my posts it is not sponsored and is independent of the commercial relationship that exists between the two organisations.

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