We’ve just got back from a lovely holiday in Hawaii, but over the summer I’ve also enjoyed traveling all over the world to vastly different countries and climates from the comfort of my desk (or sun lounge). One of the joys of social media is that we can now live vicariously through our friends’ travels, seeing places far and wide without ever having to get out of our PJs — let alone having to book a flight and pack a bag.
I know magazines books, newspaper travel sections, etc etc provide glimpses into other places for time immemorial, but it’s not the same as living it via your friends’ holiday experiences. The very fact they are your friends means they’re likely to enjoy the same kind of things that you do, so their photos and things they experience are more likely to be of interest than standard stock shots — or that’s my theory anyway! I also absolutely love to see friends and family relaxing and enjoying themselves, wherever their adventures have taken them.
An InstaHoliday can inspire a list of places to add to your ‘must visit’ list, equally it can highlight places to go on your ‘not in a pink fit’ list without any of the cost or disappointment of actually getting there and finding that you hate it.
Holidays I always particularly enjoy participating in virtually are those involving freezing temperatures, snow and skiing. Each Christmas many of our friends head for the snow, and while I absolutely love the beautiful scenery and skiing images they post, knowing that I’ll never ever be part of those pictures makes them even more enjoyable. I can quite happily live vicariously through their great pictures, with my hatred of being cold (combined with my complete incompetence as a skier) ensuring I will never physically be there myself.
Sharing your holiday photos on social media can also lead to ‘holiday hook-ups’ — albeit not those of the Contiki kind! Discovering friends are also in town via social media has led to great catch ups, with minimal forward planning and scheduling required; just what you want when you’re on holidays.
So, thank you to my friends who’ve taken me all over Europe, throughout Asia, the ski fields of Japan, the USA and Canada or various spectacular island locations with them over the Christmas break, and also to those who have reinforced the pure joy of the traditional Aussie beach break. I’ve loved sharing your holidays and can’t wait to see where you take me next!