Glass is still one of the easiest ways to capture a volcano hike!

While Google may have hit pause on Glass consumer sales for now to focus on workplace applications, it doesn’t change the way I’ll be continuing to use my Glass, particularly when it comes to taking photos easily while out and around without having to worry about getting a camera or phone out of my bag or pocket.

Before our Hawaiian holiday drew to a close for another year we decided to take an early morning hike up to the top of the Diamond Head crater, and while we didn’t quite make sunrise the cloudy morning meant that we got a second chance as the sun broke through the heavy cloud cover.  While there are no shortage of signs warning that the climb ahead is quite intense, it certainly gets off to a nice easy start on a paved pathway.


The sky was still tinged with pink from the actual sunrise, but clouds were starting to gather.


As the clouds gathered the climb really started to ramp up in intensity & we were very glad of the cooler temperatures that the cover delivered.


We went through tunnels carved into the rock,


Climbed a tight spiral staircase,


Before a spectacular ‘second sunrise’ was revealed as the sun broke through the cloud cover.


We enjoyed the 360 degree views, one of us took in all of the information on the signs,

Then it was time to start the hike down, which I have to say was a whole different experience to the hike up!


The sun hitting the sides of the crater created some spectacular sights



And being able to easily take pictures with Glass as we walked or climbed was the perfect reinforcer of why I’ll be continuing to enjoy using my Glass, just as I have for the past year, while eagerly waiting to see the next consumer version unveiled.



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