The joy of working with women on International Women’s Day & every other day

On International Women’s Day 2017 I’m reflecting on and celebrating how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to work with so many talented, strong female leaders in each of my different roles.

At Icon Group and Epic Pharmacy we are absolutely spoilt for choice with talented female leaders abounding, not just those who occupy current senior leadership roles but also in those who continue to come through the ranks, ready to step up and take their place as our incredible growth and expansion into Asia continues.  One of the things I’m most proud of is how many of those leaders are ‘home grown’, women whose talents have been identified and nurtured, with development opportunities actively sought out to provide them with the chance to step up and embrace their potential.   It would also be remiss not to acknowledge the great male leaders we also have at Icon Group, who encourage, support and promote their female colleagues each and every day.

Just a few of the amazing Icon Group female leaders

We’re privileged at Epic Good Foundation to have Dr Anita Heiss as Manager and Heather Watson as Chair, providing their invaluable guidance and support not only to Stuart and I but also the organisations we partner with.

Next up is Cre8tek, where since the acquisition of Flamingo Catriona and I have not only had the opportunity to continue to work together in the CEO and Chair roles, but have been joined by Rohinee Mohindroo as US CTO. Catriona is not only an inspirational role model in the male-heavy fintech space, but a woman for whom lifting and supporting other women comes as naturally as breathing and it’s a great privilege to work with her and see this first hand. 

My most recent role as director at ADG has also introduced me to another incredibly talented woman, Karen Young Managing Director of ADG subsidiary MDS Technologies. In addition to the great work she is doing leading  MDS, Karen is also on the board of TechUK and  has created a Women in Tech group at MDS to support and encourage the development of the women there. 

When I joined the Brisbane Lions board Sarah Kelly had already established a strong female presence in the boardroom, and it’s been fantastic to work alongside her and learn from her knowledge of global sporting organizations. We were both thrilled when Brisbane was announced as one of the inaugural AFLW license holders, and since then it’s been great to welcome CEO  of the women’s Team Breeanna Brock to the club executive, not to mention all of the inspirational women who make up the playing team. 

Having so many like minded women across the various communities I’m proud to be a part of -Business Chicks, CommBank Women in Focus, Telstra Business Women Alumni, DWEN and Fortune MPW – to call on for support, guidance and expertise is a wonderful privilege, and I’m grateful for the many fabulous women I’ve met in those environments. 

Even though this is an International Women’s Day post I can’t not mention my husband Stuart, who is my number one supporter. He lifts me up and encourages me everyday, and has always been an equal partner in every sense of the word, be it in our business or life partnerships. He’s always viewed us as equals, and the example he sets I’m sure will also contribute significantly to Sascha fulfilling her potential as a strong female leader in her own right, and Sam growing up to be a man with his own commitment to equality. 

What a great privilege on International Women’s Day  to have more wonderful female role models, colleagues, collaborators and friends than its possible to name or incorporate into a single blog post – truly the very best kind of first world problem to have. 


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