The Iconic Women Podcast is Born!

Last year we launched our Iconic Women program at Icon Group with a goal of forming connections between the huge number of women who work across the Group, and providing a way of supporting each other and lifting each other up.

I’m a huge fan of the power of story sharing, and we’ve seen over the past year some of the fantastic things that can occur when women share honest, authentic stories. We had a wonderful Financial Literacy workshop delivered by our partners Commonwealth Bank, but it’s fair to say that the most powerful lessons learned were from the people who shared their real life stories of financial challenges, and how they had overcome them.

Princess Dina Mired shared with us her own very personal story of how her son’s cancer diagnosis inspired her to first change the way her own nation accessed cancer care, before moving on to impact on a global scale in her role as President of UICC, the Union for International Cancer Control.

The challenge with holding events, impactful as they are, is that you can only do them so often, and only so many people can attend them. We wanted to find a way in which more women could share their stories, and more women could hear them, and so the Iconic Women podcast was born.

I’m a huge fan of podcasts, I listen to them whenever I’m in the car and am always on the hunt for new and interesting content. Knowing the incredible breadth and depth of experience that the women across Icon Group bring to the table, I can’t wait to hear more of their stories through this super accessible format.

The best thing is though that we’re sharing this content with everyone, you can subscribe at iTunes and Spotify and join us in learning from these fantastic women who’ve so generously and authentically shared their own experiences. Not everyone featured works at Icon Group, but everyone has some form of association with us, whether they be a patient, work with a partner organisation, or are linked in some other way.

Sign up, subscribe, rate and review us, and thank the two iconic members of Icon’s Brand and Communciations team who are responsible for putting the pod together. Alicia Moo does a fantastic job of hosting and extracting the good oil from our guests, and Kate Crilly is our wonderful producer who makes it sound crystal clear. I’m lucky enough to be guest number one, and we’ve got loads more Iconic talent to come!

Click the link below to listen to Episode One!


Newer Story:

Loving Lisbon

April 01, 2019

Older Story:

A Marathon Journey

March 10, 2019

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