Talking digital health

Interest in the future direction of healthcare and the impact that technology is going to have, not only on the way we manage our own health, but the way we interact with our healthcare professionals is hotting up, and I’m getting more and more requests to share my thoughts on this topic.

Last week I spoke to Robert Sztar for episode 48 of his Transpharmation podcast about some of the exciting opportunities I see for pharmacists to expand their engagement with their patients by using wearables, and you can listen to that chat here. While you’re there I highly recommend working your way through Robert’s extensive list of podcast discussions with a wide range of change makers and technology experts. They’re targeted at pharmacy owners but there is plenty of actionable information for any business owner interested in better incorporating tech into their business plans.

Episode 48 - Cathie Reid

I also wrote an article for the latest edition of the Women in Focus ‘Discuss’ series, which focuses on health and well being  and also includes content on keeping your brain healthy, how to stay active while leading a predominantly sedentary life, tips for a healthy workplace and lots more. You can download the full publication here, or my article can be accessed directly here.

Women in Focus Discuss

An upcoming event that I’m really looking forward to is the Future Health Summit which is happening in Melbourne this April as part of the Connect Show. There’s a great line up of international and local speakers, and I can’t wait to hear their thoughts on this super exciting topic. I’m part of a panel talking about the role data can play in improving outcomes, and also speaking the following day on the role of wearable tech in healthcare.

The Digital Health summit I recently attended in Las Vegas as part of CES stimulated so many ideas and thoughts that we are already working on turning into business realities, and I’m sure this event will have just as big an impact.

It’s great to have the opportunity to be having these conversations, and to see the interest from both healthcare professionals and patients alike in how technology can translate into improved health outcomes.

Older Story:

An Epic love story

February 06, 2015

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