Tag: women in business

It’s Flamingo’s time to fly

It’s the start of a whole new adventure for Catriona and I, with the acquisition of Flamingo by ASX-listed Cre8tek completing last week, and trading of Cre8tek to recommence soon. It’s taken a little longer than any of us would have predicted (or wished for!) but at the same time that’s also allowed us to […]

Expanding my horizons

Data capture and storage are topics that I’m increasingly finding myself drawn to.  We’re generating data at a rate that is unlike anything ever previously experienced, and this will only continue to grow.  The insights that this data can deliver are incredibly powerful, but clearly this can have both positive and negative ramifications depending on […]

At the end of the day it’s all about the people

After more years in business now than I care to remember, I’m firmly of the opinion that the number one factor influencing the success of a transaction is the people involved and the way they work together. Stuart and I have seen this proven out time and time again as we’ve worked our way through […]