Tag: investment

Top Ten Tech Trends for 2018

Stuart and I have just returned from the Our Crowd Global Investor Summit in Israel where one of the presentations outlined the Top Ten Tech Trends for 2018.  The Summit is the biggest equity crowd funding event in the world, and these trends flag potential investment opportunities to be aware of.  Here’s my post outlining […]

The Power of the Crowd

Stuart and I have been in Israel for the past week for the primary purpose of attending the Our Crowd Investor Summit in Jerusalem.  Our Crowd was the world’s first equity-based crowdfunding platform, and allows accredited investors to provide venture capital funding initially for Israeli, but now global, start-ups. I first met Jon Medved in 2014 […]

At the end of the day it’s all about the people

After more years in business now than I care to remember, I’m firmly of the opinion that the number one factor influencing the success of a transaction is the people involved and the way they work together. Stuart and I have seen this proven out time and time again as we’ve worked our way through […]