It’s Flamingo’s time to fly

It’s the start of a whole new adventure for Catriona and I, with the acquisition of Flamingo by ASX-listed Cre8tek completing last week, and trading of Cre8tek to recommence soon.

Signing some of the final paperwork, with a pen I'd kept on hand specially for the occasion
Signing some of the (blurred out) final paperwork, with a pen I’d kept on hand specially for the occasion

It’s taken a little longer than any of us would have predicted (or wished for!) but at the same time that’s also allowed us to really get to know both our fellow Cre8tek directors and the broader investor market, and establish strong working relationships that will stand us in great stead as we hit the boards.

We know that interest is high and the spotlight is going to be on us as a result, not just because of the exciting nature of the Flamingo business and the cutting edge nature of its technology, but because of its female leadership.

Catriona and I have been told that this will be only the second time ever that a business with a female CEO and female Chair has been listed on the ASX, and while this seems hard to believe, when you take into consideration that there are still more men called Peter leading ASX200 companies than there are women it becomes a little easier to comprehend.

A lot of people have been asking us how that feels, and while in one regard we’re very happy to have the chance to be flying the flag for the sisterhood, we’re much more focused on making sure that we do a great job of running the business and creating value for our customers and shareholders. We’re both experienced business leaders whose successes to date have had a lot more to do with the fact that we understand what it takes to make businesses work than what body parts we do or don’t have.

That said though, we’re well aware of the truth in the adage ‘You can’t be what you can’t see’, and if by putting ourselves into a position where we can be seen encourages other women to follow that same path then that can only be a good thing.

Our primary focus though is to use the skills that we’ve established over the course of our careers to date to work with our fellow directors and the entire Flamingo team to deliver on our plans for the business, and we’re looking forward to showing the market what we can do as team Flamingo takes flight.

Photo credit Adam Eccleshall
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