Tag: segway

Sunshine and Segways in San Francisco

My love of the Segway as a way of exploring a city when you have limited time is pretty well documented, and with Sascha making her debut visit to San Francisco for the recent DWEN conference it was a perfect way to take advantage of the only free window our schedule offered. We headed off […]

Sunshine & Segways in Paris

I’m not sure whether any studies have been done on whether love of riding Segways is genetic, but I have a very strong suspicion it could be.  Touring by Segway is always top of my Mum’s list on any of her travels, and Sascha also seems to have inherited the need for sightseeing at speed. The first time I rode […]

Austin street art #throughglass

Sascha and I are in Austin, Texas for DWEN — Dell’s global event for female entrepreneurs (follow the #DWEN hash tag on Twitter for all of the fabulous conference content). But, before the event kicked off, we managed to squeeze in a Segway tour of Austin’s street art. This was my first time on a […]