Sunshine and Segways in San Francisco

My love of the Segway as a way of exploring a city when you have limited time is pretty well documented, and with Sascha making her debut visit to San Francisco for the recent DWEN conference it was a perfect way to take advantage of the only free window our schedule offered.

We headed off early on a Sunday morning and in no time at all were out on a pier in the middle of the harbour, with the city skyline behind us,


while the other side of the pier gave Sascha her first views of the Golden Gate bridge (helmets off for this pic!)


From here we zoomed along the waterfront, with a quick stop for coffee at the very popular Philz truck near the marina.  It was pretty funny, while it was technically summer in San Francisco it was only about 15 degrees Celsius so Sascha and I were rugged up in jumpers and jackets which looked a little at odds with everyone else in their t-shirts and shorts!


Coffee in hand we went on to one of my favorite places in San Francisco, the Palace of Fine Arts.


Because it was so early in the morning there weren’t many people around, which gave us a good chance to look around without having to worry that we were going to be in the backdrop of someone’s wedding photos – it’s the first time I”ve ever been there without at least one wedding going on!

The Palace of Fine Arts was built for the 1915 Exposition, and its construction coincided with the suffragette movement in San Francisco, hence the carvings depicting women bearing the burden of their work on their shoulders, with the empty bowls beside them portraying the lack of reward for their efforts.

Next up it was time for a Segway highlght, riding down Lombard St. We paused at the top for a quick pic,

then made our way down the twists and turns – a much more pleasant experience than my previous one in the pouring rain wearing a plastic poncho!

From there we made our way up the hill to Coit Tower,

Where the beautiful day provided amazing views over the city and the bay.

We made our way back down the hill, stopping for a couple of quick scenery pics along the way.

We’d decided that our schedule didn’t allow a trip on the cable car, but made a quick stop at the terminus to make sure we didn’t miss the experience completely

Before taking advantage of the fact that we had to go almost past Lombard St on our way back to the Electric Tour company office for one more sneaky trip down.

None of my posts are sponsored, so we paid for this tour with Electric Tour Company and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, so are happy to recommend them.  Our guide Tre was not only a lot of fun and very knowledgeable, but also a great photographer hence all the pics of Sascha and I making our way around town!


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