Austin street art #throughglass

Sascha and I are in Austin, Texas for DWEN — Dell’s global event for female entrepreneurs (follow the #DWEN hash tag on Twitter for all of the fabulous conference content). But, before the event kicked off, we managed to squeeze in a Segway tour of Austin’s street art.

This was my first time on a Segway and I’ve got to say, given I’m not exactly renowned for my coordination and balance, I was a little nervous! Luckily, my nerves proved to be completely unfounded, and both Sascha and I picked up the basics with ease after the quick intro and test before we were let loose on the streets.

What a great way to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time! We zoomed around all sorts of streets we never would have covered on a walking tour, without the hassle of having to get on and off a bus.


Austin has a fantastic array of street art, ranging from well know street artists to the amazing Hope Outdoor Gallery, on the site of an abandoned condominium build.


Glass was the perfect way to capture images as we Segway’d from street-to-street and also allowed me to video “Sascha the Segway Speed Demon” with no safety issues holding a phone while I tried to keep up!

This was the first time anyone wearing Glass has done the tour with this particular company and the guides were fascinated by how easy it made taking pictures, while our fellow tour participants were totally envious at how quick and easy it was compared to their phone photos.

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