Tag: Easter

Easter on Parade

Easter Sunday is one of my favorite days to be in New York City, when thousands of people come out to take part in the Fifth Ave Easter Bonnet parade. People of all ages and demographs make huge efforts to construct incredibly elaborate Easter bonnets, and travel into the city to stroll up and down […]

Easter in NYC

Spending the Easter break in New York has become a family tradition, and while there are some things that are annual must-do’s (5th Ave Easter Parade, Easter Bunny bringing Reese’s pieces eggs, visiting the Easter display in Rockefeller Plaza & its freaky plant rabbit) each year we try and find something new and different to […]

Hunting Eggs in NYC #throughglass

We’ve been fortunate enough to visit New York as a family a number of times now, so have visited all of the “must do” sights. The kids have favorite places and sights they always enjoy repeating (Sam would spend every day at the baseball field in Central Park if he had his way), but I […]