Tag: #CES2015

What do patients think about digital health?

This is the fourth and final post in my series from the Digital Health Summit at CES 2015, following on from posts on wearables, disrupting the doctor visit, and how pharmacy can avoid its own Kodak moment. It was fantastic to see the program include a session on the patient perspective, as all too often […]

Is pharmacy facing its Kodak moment?

This is the third post in a series from the Digital Health Summit that formed part of CES 2015, with the first talking about the role of sensors and wearables and the second on how the traditional doctor visit is facing significant disruption. Pharmacy has been fighting for greater recognition as a genuine member of […]

Disrupting the doctor visit

This is the second of my posts from the recent Digital Health Summit at CES2015. The first covered broader aspects of wearables, sensors and data collection, but in this one I want to explore how the traditional doctors visit is being disrupted, why it’s a good thing, and how it’s going to deliver long-term change […]