Top Ten Tech Trends for 2019

One of my favourite presentations each year at the Our Crowd Global Investor Summit is the Top Ten Tech Trends. I always find this a great thought stimulator, and this year was no exception. These were this years trends, and I’ve added my thoughts around each of them. Education Gets Smarter Education, alongside health, is […]

An Epic investment in our people

This week my fellow pharmacy proprietors at Epic Pharmacy and Slade Pharmacy and I announced the introduction of paid parental leave for our pharmacy teams across Australia. It’s an announcement we were very proud to make, and one that has already received great feedback from those team members who are about to welcome new additions […]

Introducing Founders Forum

Founder DNA is something that I’ve written about previously, and something that Icon Group is richly blessed with. With founders of each of the different businesses that have come together to form Icon Group still actively involved, Stuart realised last year that this provided a tremendous opportunity to harness their skills and experience to create […]

Bringing The Heat

A little over four years ago Stuart and I were presented with a proposal to sponsor the Brisbane Heat team in the soon to commence Women’s Big Bash League.  The men’s Twenty20 format had been a resounding success, but there were few precedents around what the consumer appeal of a women’s version would be.   We were […]

My Lightbulb Moment from CES Digital Health Summit

I’ve written here about some of my frustrations about the lack of pace of change in health tech adoption on display at CES this year, but there was one lightbulb moment that has definitely influenced my thinking and planning. The role that voice assistants are going to play in healthcare is something that I’d been […]

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