Category: Google Glass

Glass shifts to the workplace and Epic Pharmacy is one of them!

Late last year in my post on My Year as a Google Glass Explorer, I spoke about (and fully agreed with) the growing belief that Glass in its current form would not end up seeing a widespread consumer release, but would shift to an enterprise focus. And what do you know, here it is! Today, […]

Initial impressions from #CES2015

Today saw my first ever visit to the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. I spent it at Tech West, which focused on wearables, 3D printing and the smart home. As you would expect there was no shortage of engaging products and displays: Rocket shoes (which, tempted as I was, I didn’t think […]

Flying over a live volcano #throughglass

Today, we had an awesome experience taking a helicopter tour over the Big Island and more specifically, over the active Kilauea volcano. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and its current eruption dating back to January 1983 is one of the worlds  longest lived continual eruptions. It has produced enough […]