Category: Business Leadership

It’s Be Iconic Day!

Today across all Icon Group sites globally we are celebrating Be Iconic Day for the first ever time.  Be Iconic Day is a celebration of Icon Group’s most valuable asset, our people. I’ve written many times previously about the important role a values driven culture has always played for Stuart and I, and it’s a […]

What’s your mental health program?

Most of us have a physical fitness program we follow more or less, but how many of us also have a mental fitness program? With more Australians reporting that they feel stressed than ever before, it’s important that we think just as seriously about how we prioritise building and supporting our mental health as we […]

Ten Years of DWEN

This week I joined another 110 female entrepreneurs from 20 countries at Dell’s 10th DWEN (Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network) Summit in Singapore. I haven’t been to all ten summits, but I have only missed one since my first in 2012 – which unexpectedly saw me, along with 2 fellow Aussies, up on the screen as […]

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