We all need a happy place; that location or activity that allows us to switch off mentally and transports us to a different mindset. Apparently this is one of the great benefits of meditation, but no matter how hard, I try meditation doesn’t float my boat. I just find myself using the time to make […]
Author: cathie@arc31.com
Today it’s a year since I received this email: It’s fair to say it’s been a pretty amazing ride since then, with Glass providing the opportunity to view the world in a different way and connecting me with a whole new community of people around the globe. I recently spoke about my year […]
Christmas provides a wonderful opportunity each year to show our gratitude to our customers for their business, but this year we also wanted our gifts to make a statement about something we are very passionate about. Traditionally, corporate gifting often involves alcohol or sugar-laden treats; lovely, but not exactly on-brand for a company committed to […]