Why Epic Pharmacy is wishing you a Very Cherry Christmas this year

Christmas provides a wonderful opportunity each year to show our gratitude to our customers for their business, but this year we also wanted our gifts to make a statement about something we are very passionate about.

Traditionally, corporate gifting often involves alcohol or sugar-laden treats; lovely, but not exactly on-brand for a company committed to improving health outcomes for Australians.  This year it was time to switch to a gift that still provided a delicious treat, but was better aligned to our purpose.

With the incidence of type 2 diabetes increasing at an alarming rate in Australia, we strongly believe it’s time for healthcare businesses to take a stand and visibly demonstrate their commitment to being part of the solution.

With our Epic Wellness program starring Cherry Man as its icon, lovely boxes of luscious cherries were a gift that we felt was a much better fit!



An added bonus has been that the decision to gift in this way has also provided benefit to some of Australia’s hardest workers, our farmers. All of our hundreds of boxes of cherries have been sourced directly from the farmers who grew them, and with our orders placed last January, provided them with the happy knowledge that they had pre-sold a significant amount of their crop early in the year.

The challenge that nature delivers to the livelihoods of farmers was brought home, when one of our suppliers told us our order made a significant contribution to his income from this season’s crop; the day after he had filled our orders all of his remaining stock was destroyed by one of the wild storms that has swept through Queensland in recent weeks. He rang not to tell us this sad news, but to say how thrilled he was that our customers had been ringing him directly (his phone number was on the box) to tell him how delicious his cherries were and how much they were enjoying eating them. It certainly reinforced the ongoing challenges that our farmers face, so we were delighted to have had the opportunity to support him and his family.

We couldn’t be happier with the feedback we’ve received about our healthy Christmas gifting, and are already brainstorming options for next year!

St Vincents Lismore       IMG_3213.PNG

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