Why is Epic Pharmacy sponsoring a lunch with Rachel Zoe?

This week, Epic Pharmacy is a sponsor of the Rachel Zoe lunch with Business Chicks in Brisbane, which might seem an unusual pairing at first glance. Why would a healthcare business see value in sponsoring an event featuring arguably the most high profile fashion stylist in the world?

A good question, but one with a relatively simple answer. In my opinion, Rachel Zoe is an absolutely cracking example of an entrepreneur who is able to identify opportunities ahead of the pack, and continually morph and change her business by anticipating the changing needs and wants of her market, often before they know it themselves. She’s also been an early and very effective adopter of digital strategies, with the daily e-newsletter she introduced back in 2009 quickly gaining an enormous following and providing a fantastic platform to connect with her customers.

In addition to her core business as a stylist, she has been able to successfully diversify into a wide variety of other business models: online media, TV shows, designing apparel, footwear, handbags and jewellery, blow dry salons and writing books. All of these however share a common link back to her core business proposition, that of making style easy and accessible.

And this is where we see the relevance to Epic Pharmacy. We will always be pharmacists, and the delivery of medicine management services via pharmacies will always play an important role in our business activities, but our core business proposition is in helping our customers achieve their best possible health outcomes. All of our other business activities have linked back to this core purpose, as do all of the future opportunities we are busy exploring.

When you have clarity of purpose, opportunities are easy to spot, regardless of how different they may seem to the business that you are currently in. That’s where we see the similarity between our business and what Rachel Zoe has created. The fact she and her husband also share a happy and committed personal partnership as well as their business partnership is another point of commonality!

I’m thoroughly looking forward to hearing from this highly successful entrepreneur and ultimate Business Chick this week, and confident that all those attending will come away with a dose of both business and style inspiration.

Now, what to wear???


Newer Story:

Dancing our way to Disruption

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Building an Epic Culture

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