Tag: Wearable Tech

Australia’s first Google Glass meet up

On May 12, I had the privilege of being part of Australia’s first Google Glass meetup, held in the nation’s capital at the University of Canberra’s Inspire Centre.

Why isn’t pharmacy more excited about wearable tech?

The pharmacy industry in Australia is going through some significant challenges as a consequence of changes to government remuneration. This is compounded by a broader downturn in the industry’s retail sector over the past few years. In the same way that many other industries have had to reinvent their long-held business models to survive, so […]

Why Glass is a great fitness companion

I travel — a lot — and I’m finding that Glass is proving to be a great fitness companion when I’m away from home. I’ve really enjoyed using the LynxFit Glassware and find it a super convenient way of getting a great circuit-style work out in. I’ve previously used a myriad phone and tablet based apps, […]