Category: Travel

Lessons from Louis Vuitton on purpose as a driver of change

Business lessons can sometimes come from the most unexpected sources, and I was reminded of this when Stuart and I went to the Louis Vuitton Volez Voguez Voyagez exhibition in New York last week. This is a fantastic (free) exhibition illustrating the history of Louis Vuitton luggage and the way that it has evolved over […]

What does six times the weight of gravity feel like?

I ticked off another step in my space readiness program with the completion of G Force training at the NASTAR facility in Philadelphia last week. We’ll experience G forces on both the exit and the re-entry to the earths atmosphere, and the experience can be pretty intense given re-entry involves six times the weight of […]

An Epic Experience in Champagne

Stuart and I have just spent the past week in Champagne, visiting a whole range of different houses and having the great fortune of seeing a visit planned 18 months ago coincide with the week of harvest. This meant that our hosts for the week were incredibly busy, and we are so appreciative that without […]

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