Category: Space Travel

The Zero Gravity pictures are in!

I’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the images taken on board the Zero Gravity flight  by photographer Al Powers, and here they are. Pre flight briefing. Waiting for zero gravity to kick in. Here we go! Edit Chasing candy  PacMan style I was never going to compete with these moves! On exiting the plane […]

My Zero Gravity experience

After a cruisy couple of days in LA catching up with friends and doing a little shopping, it was time for the purpose of the trip – a zero gravity flight with Zero Gravity Corporation. I got the worst nights sleep ever, partially because I was so excited and partially because I was freaking out […]

Getting ready to hang out in ZeroG

Just a quick post, but beyond excited today as I head to LA to do a Zero Gravity flight as part of the preparations for my ultimate goal, travelling to space with Virgin Galactic . The Zero G flight is a great way to experience the feeling of weightlessness in space, and to test out how likely […]