Category: Google Glass

Falling in love with autumn in NYC #throughglass

Autumn is one of my absolute favourite times to visit  New York (although let’s be clear I’ll jump at the chance to visit my favourite city in the world whenever the opportunity presents!). You can walk all day long without wilting in the fierce heat that summer in the city delivers, but it’s not cold […]

Bavaria #throughglass

With  Expopharm  wrapped up, it’s time to see some of the sights of Bavaria. The Bavarian kings loved a good castle, so first up we visited Nyphenberg Palace in Munich itself, the summer home built in the 1600s. The interior was stunning and the gardens were incredible! It was perfect for a beautiful stroll on […]

Pyrotechnics at the Epic Pharmacy launch #throughglass

I’ve written a few posts about our Epic Pharmacy brand launch this week, but this is just a quick bit of fun to show the big reveal pyrotechnics as captured via Google Glass. Thought it might be fun for everyone to see the view Stuart and I had as we pushed the plunger to start […]