Category: Epic Good

Uluru now and then

Last weekend I flew to Uluru to take part in the Australian Outback Marathon, along with the 20 or so other people who made up Team Epic Good.  You can read more about the marathon experience here (to be clear I ran the 6k course not the full 42!), but I also wanted to share some of the highlights of our […]

Team Epic runs Uluru

This was the scene that greeted the six hundred and seventy runners from 29 countries  as we stepped off the buses onto Anangu land for the start of the Australian Outback Marathon. Team Epic Good were there in force to run on the 6k, 11k and 21k events, and to support our team leader and […]

Building Traction

Traction is a Brisbane based organisation that provides young people with the opportunity to refurbish and customise their own projects from bicycles, lawn mowers, motorcycles and other machines donated by the community, alongside volunteers who not only physically assist but provide mentoring. One of Traction’s locations is in West End, home turf for the Epic […]