
What are you doing for National Reconciliation Week?

This year at Icon Group we’re actively participating in National Reconciliation Week (NRW), which runs from May 27 to June 3. Pop quiz – what are the two milestones that bookend NRW? May 27 is the anniversary of the 1967 referendum in which more than 90% of Australians voted YES to give the Commonwealth government […]

24hrs at Windsor Castle

With Eurovision done and dusted, it was time to move onto an incredibly different environment.  Stuart and I had been invited to participate in a thought leadership event on digital living run by the Corsham Institute, which was exciting enough in it’s own right, but when you add in the location being St George’s House at Windsor Castle […]

My Eurovision highlights

So last night it was time for the reason we came to Stockholm, the 2016 Eurovision Grand Final!  Decked out in our Eurovision best, we made our way to the Globen to join the thousands of others from countries all over Europe who had descended on Sweden to cheer on our home favorite. There were no […]

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