Around the World in #Vegas

A few people expressed concerns about the suitability of Vegas as a family holiday destination. But, our kids have had a fantastic time and loved exploring all the different themes the casinos along the strip deliver.

We had a conversation about what they might see before we arrived, which they helpfully pointed out was apparently much the same one we had before a trip to Amsterdam a few years ago! Unlike my previous Vegas experience, where I was constantly handed cards with pictures of naked women on them as I walked along the strip, it was pretty uneventful in that regard.

We stayed at Wynn Encore, so our first ‘international’ experience came when we crossed the walkway to The Venetian. Our nine-year-old employed his best pester power skills to get a gondola ride — complete with serenading gondolier — onto our holiday schedule.


The following day, we headed to the other end of the strip, where Sam was equally excited to visit a pyramid for the first time at Luxor.


From there, it was a quick walk to New York New York, where our twelve-year-old was delighted to find that Sam didn’t meet the height restrictions for the roller coaster. That meant a family coaster ride was off the agenda (just quietly, that was an outcome I was also pretty happy with)!


A Statue of Liberty made entirely from jelly beans was viewed as very poor consolation by Sam…


But happiness was restored when Coke provided a different opportunity to tour the globe, with Flavours of the World sampler tray.


We saw Vegas’ version of the Eiffel Tower while watching the Bellagio fountains.


And then returned for dinner to see the fountains again by night.


While walking out through the casino after dinner we encountered our only more than G- rated experience of the trip, when Sam’s were wide as saucers as he spotted a scantily clad lady dancing on one of the casino bars while punters popped notes into her few items of clothing. His only comment was: ‘Well Mum, you don’t see that every day in Brisbane!’

With a dose of UK culture provided courtesy of The Beatles Love Cirque due Soleil show, Vegas really had provided a unique round the world experience in just a few blocks, and the kids had a ball. And as always, Glass provided a super easy way to capture some great shots.

Newer Story:

Grand Canyon #throughglass

April 14, 2014

Older Story:

Springtime in Vegas #throughglass

April 10, 2014

1 comment on “Around the World in #Vegas

  1. Those replicas have me convinced! Vegas has an answer for everything. Laughing re S’s comment re the bar dancing. Funny when the kids tell us more than ‘we know’. 😀

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