An Epic Energy boost this Christmas

Last year we showed our gratitude to our customers at Christmas time by providing them with delicious fresh cherries to enjoy, and this year we were equally committed to gifting that aligned with our purpose around delivering exceptional healthcare – meaning that traditional alcohol and sugar laden gift options remained off the table.

The cherries were fantastic, but the coordination of the delivery of over 500 perishable gifts to locations all across Australia was a not insignificant task last year, and with our hard working Brand & Communications team up to their neck in brand roll outs across the country for the wider Icon Group we needed to find an easier option.

Regular readers of this blog would be aware that I’m part of a number of fantastic business women networks in Australia, and as a result have an address book of amazing women-led businesses who can solve just this sort of problem!

In this case I reached out to Jacqueline Arias, founder of Republica Organic Coffee as we thought their organic fair trade coffee capsules would provide a perfect way of giving our hard working customers a bit of extra energy at this super busy time of year.

coffee capsules

We loved that in addition to supporting another Australian owned family business, the positive impact would also flow on to the third world farmers who grow the coffee, allowing them to fund basic needs like education and healthcare for their families. But the giving doesn’t stop there, Jacqueline also very kindly offered to make a donation to some of our Epic Good charity partners in recognition of the value of order we placed – talk about the gift that keeps on giving!

Our Epic elves are out and about busily delivering the coffee to our customers’ front line teams, where it is being appreciatively received.  I also loved that one of our teams made festive versions of our Epic Breadman to decorate the trolley they used to make their deliveries.


This message just came in from one of the recipients ‘thanks for your great coffee gift!!  It will be much appreciated when we collapse exhaustedly in the staff room for our breaks!   A lovely idea – you guys always do such nice & different things – thank you!”

Thanks so much to Jacqueline and the team at Republica for partnering with us this year, we and our customers think you’re Epic!


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