Alfie’s 2016 Christmas in Review

Our family elf Alfie was back to join us for his eighth consecutive Christmas (you can read more about how Alfie became part of our family Christmas traditions here), and like all great traditions he included some family favorites and some new additions which showed he’d been keeping a close eye from the North Pole on what we’d been up to since last December.


Similar to the remainder of the family he’d maintained his love of the finer things in life, demonstrating his love of chocolate on a number of occasions

Diving head first into a bucket of festive M&M's
Diving head first into a bucket of festive M&M’s
Licking the bowl for Sascha's birthday cake
Licking the bowl for Sascha’s birthday cake
and going just a little too hard on the chocolate Christmas tree....
and going just a little too hard on the chocolate Christmas tree….

Clearly indicating that he’s not just about the kids, he also turned up fully prepared for our annual Christmas party with his own elf size champagne supply.


As a thoroughly modern elf, Alfie has fully engaged with technology and came back equipped with his own phone this year – it’s important for elves to monitor social media too if they are serious about keeping tabs on who’s been naughty and who’s been nice!


Clearly he put his digital skills to good work, and handed out his only infringment notice for the season to Sam for crimes against my iTunes account.


Like most of us though he still combines his digital media activities with print, and was pretty happy to take the news back to the North Pole of his #celebrityelf status after finding he had featured in the Brisbane News Christmas edition.


Our house was pretty excited to wake up and discover that Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity had made it’s first successful glide flight in early December, and I’m taking this as a hint that Alfie expects to be tucked away in a pocket of my spacesuit when it’s my turn to fly!


He also jumped on board another bird that had flown pretty well for us this year, putting his own slightly Vegas style spin on Flamingo.


It would have been remiss for Alfie not to have acknowledged the role Singapore has played in our family life this year, with Stuart now based there and the rest of us making frequent visits.  He’s clearly added the elf vote of approval to what’s been a great addition to our family and business lifestyle!


Much as he might love Singapore, there’s another destination that clearly has captured Alfie’s festive heart.  He’s joined us in Hawaii for the past six Christmas’s (what is the plural for Christmas??), and from decking himself out in the lei on arrival;


to adding himself into the family surfing/SUP portrait;


he’s pretty clear on the role that The Royal Hawaiian plays in our family Christmas celebrations and we’re taking his parting pose as an indication of his vote for Christmas 2017’s destination!




Newer Story:

2016 - it's definitely been Epic!

December 30, 2016

Older Story:

A Christmas gift with an Epic Purpose

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